I was at the OpticsPlanet main office this spring and found a nice little box on my desk. Inside contained model #1 of the OPMOD Zeiss Scope. The new 3-9×40 scope built with German glass and developed by the OPMOD team stands in a field of its own when regarding 3-9’s. Growing up shooting numerous 3-9 scopes to be honest I was not thrilled with the prospect of putting this scope through the paces. Once the scope was unboxed and I saw the modern modifications to a legendary manufactured scope by Zeiss, I was feeling a bit more optimistic and eager to send some lead down range. After getting the scope properly mounted on an old reliable Howa 30-06 that was needing a new scope- it was time to get to work and get to the range.
The compact light weight design of the scope makes it a great option for just about any platform but especially that of a traditional hunting rifle. The turrets are capped and solidly threaded for the abuse a hunting rifle takes while in the field or going through TSA. The responsive turrets make adjustments/zeroing a non-issue. There is a definitive feeling associated with each click applied to the turret- which lets the shooter know exactly what changes are being made without the need to look. This is essential for those immediate wind/elevation alterations made while in the field. The nice report and noticeably visible response from the turrets are really great with the use of gloves for those colder days.
After getting the scope and gun rigged up on the trusty Caldwell Lead Sled with two 50lb bags of shot and some good straps, myself and two others were able to put the scope dead on the screws in under a box of cartridges. After the preliminary required process of doping the scope and following the methodical process of sighting in a scope correctly- it was now time to have some fun.
First thing that was noticed by all parties involved and the additional self-voluntary NRA Instructor/RO on duty that day (whom apparently “needed” to shoot this new Zeiss/OPMOD model #1) was the clarity. The OPMOD team and legendary German Zeiss glass come together in one amazing package and the clarity provided by this scope is excellent to say the least.
At 100 yards holes in paper and the raising and rolling heat waves were clear as could be! Combined with an amazing field of view and eye relief, this scope made an impression quite quickly. Drilling tacks at 100 yards got old so we walked it out to 200 no problems there, and then before we knew it we had maxed out the range pretty quickly.
A few weeks after spending some time at the range I went south for some deer property land management. Upon arriving at a large field separated by a river we noticed some coyotes on the back of another far field. I just so happened to have the gun with me to hit the range later that day, and nice set of shooting sticks and a partner to range them for me. So the truck ripped thru the field fairly hidden and we hopped out and ready to go to work. I got 275 yards reported by my friend, via the range finder and had the turrets moving already. By the time the yotes were aware of what was happening I already had the largest one in my cross hairs and could see the different colors of his coat and the heat mirage rolling with the wind. As soon as I heard from my friend “send when ready” I squeezed the trigger and down went the coyote. The wide field of view on the OPMOD Zeiss scope allowed me to find them quickly as they blended in very well with the freshly tilled field that had been burnt a brown and tan color by several days of sun.
After several months of fun with this scope I can say without doubt that this is a great quality scope and one ready to hit the field or range. Durable as it is clear- there is no cartridge this beast cannot handle. The scope is so clear that it seems to have greater magnification than nine power making it truly in a class of its own. OPMOD Zeiss and OpticsPlanet went and did it again and I can’t imagine finding a better quality scope for the money.
What would you throw the OPMOD Zeiss Conquest riflescope on? Let us know in the comments below!
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